Syteq and Qetys

Finance with OANDA NY
3D Printing Hewlett Packard, elite knives, CPU
Great Falls, Montana, U.S.A.

Our Features

We just offer something to you

We Work With LOVE

Everything we work on, we do because we just like it. Every customer is important to us.

How We Work

We try not to delay the projects we are working on. And at the same time, it is important to monitor quality. We do not want to work lightly.

Web & Program Dev

We carry out orders for the development of websites and programs, since 2004. But. At the moment we work in another sphere.

Website Program Development

What do we offer

We offer you only what we ourselves would buy, or have already bought and use every day.

Who is our product for?

Our products are mainly made to order, that is, they are original products. But we can launch some products even into mass production.

What materials do we use?

We use only high-quality raw materials, consumables for production. Many products are environmentally friendly or are the result of processing.

Better to pay a little more expensive than end up being unhappy.
General manager
Syteq & Qetys Inc.
Books are needed to remind a person that his original thoughts are not so new.
Abraham Lincoln
American statesman, 16th President of the United States and the first from the Republican Party, liberator of American slaves.
Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
Albert Einstein
German-born theoretical physicist who developed the theory of relativity.


Updated on February 16th 2025


The decline in Romanian Leu in the second half of the year is expected.

Declinul Leiei Române în a doua jumătate a anului este așteptat.


In the case of signing the agreement on the termination of the war, Moldavian Leu will decrease in relation to the basket of the currencies.

În cazul semnării acordului privind încetarea războiului, Leu moldovenesc va scădea în raport cu sotul monedei.

To order any product or service, as well as to ask a question, write in the contact section at the bottom of the page.

Website Development

Our company has been developing websites and programs since 2004-2006. But. At the moment we work in another sphere.

Selling handmade products - CPU 3D Printing (wood), knives. The price is individual.
The work is performed by a professional with innate creative talent, an artist. Reasonable prices, delivery.

For pricing and more detailed information see the page below.

3D Printing
A huge list of products, high-quality equipment, environmentally friendly products, processing, custom-made products.

For pricing and more detailed information see the page below.

We are several programmers since 2004-2006 period. But. At the moment we work in another sphere.
This offer is for connoisseuros of quality products, for those who decide to distinguish themselves from other people. All products are made to order from high quality materials. Prices are pretty reasonable. Read more...
By analogy with the previous section, which described handmade products, in this case, although the products are manufactured using semi-factory equipment, all these products are made considering individual preferences. Read more...

We are in numbers

We wish you being successful
Free support, years
Tech support, USD
Experience, years

3D Printing portfolio

Environmentally friendly product
Click to enlarge

Webpages Design

We use cascading style sheets of new versions - this is CSS3. (2006 - 2013)

Built on any CMS

We can put your website on any modern engine. We recommend October CMS. (2006 - 2013)

Webpage Layout

HTML 5 - it is not a successor to the hypertext markup language, but a new open platform designed to create web applications using audio, video, graphics, animation and much more. (2006 - 2013)

Order Now

We offer you a choice

Knives, CPU and 3D Printing are 150.00USD (maybe a little more expensive)

To order any product or service, as well as to ask a question, write in the contact section at the bottom of the page.

Our Programs or +plus Mobile Apps based on Lua

CYE V1.1

CYE V1.1 - Check your expenses


It was the second program in a row that was produced in 2018.

Format converter

Syteq Format Converter


It was the third program in a row that was produced in 2019.

Syteq Mawelse

Syteq Mawelse


It was the first program in a row that was produced in 2006.

How much does it cost?

We like only high-quality products.
Wire transfer, credit or debit cards


150.00USD p/unit

  • Individual order
  • Handmade only
  • The performer has innate creativity
  • Tables 2,000.00USD to 3,000.00USD
  • Italian leather
since 2004

Contact Us

You can feel free to contact us